Go! Day Clothing Giveaway
From 10:00 AM to 1:00 PMOur ACC Go! Day Clothing Giveaway gives people in the community the opportunity to “shop” for new to them clothes for their kids as they go back to school. This is a free event we hold in the church parking lot on Saturday August 24 from 10 AM – 1 PM. We would love to have volunteers both to help sort clothing in preparation for the event, and to help on the day of the event itself! We will sort and prepare clothing on July 26 beginning at 3 PM, and on August 23 at 10 AM. Click HERE to register to help sort and prep on July 26th. Click HERE to register to help sort and prep on August 23rd. Volunteers on the day of the event are asked to come at 9 AM to set up, wear their ACC t-shirts, and stay as long as they are able after the completion of the event. Click HERE to sign up to participate in serving on Go!Day August 24th. We will be supporting people as they shop, getting to know them, & being present to keep the shopping areas organized.There will also be a team of people to go our & hand out free water bottles along with flyers encouraging people to stop by the clothing giveaway. Food will be provided after the event for volunteers. We are so excited for this huge event and the huge impact it will have on our neighbors in Glen Burnie!
[email protected]
Our ACC Go! Day Clothing Giveaway gives people in the community the opportunity to “shop” for new to them clothes for their kids as they go back to school. This is a free event we hold in the church parking lot on Saturday August 24 from 10 AM – 1 PM.
We would love to have volunteers both to help sort clothing in preparation for the event, and to help on the day of the event itself!
We will sort and prepare clothing on July 26 beginning at 3 PM, and on August 23 at 10 AM.
Click HERE to register to help sort and prep on July 26th.
Click HERE to register to help sort and prep on August 23rd.
Volunteers on the day of the event are asked to come at 9 AM to set up, wear their ACC t-shirts, and stay as long as they are able after the completion of the event.
Click HERE to sign up to participate in serving on Go!Day August 24th.
We will be supporting people as they shop, getting to know them, & being present to keep the shopping areas organized.There will also be a team of people to go our & hand out free water bottles along with flyers encouraging people to stop by the clothing giveaway.
Food will be provided after the event for volunteers.
We are so excited for this huge event and the huge impact it will have on our neighbors in Glen Burnie!